Friday, January 13, 2012


Free Article Submission | Lumineers

By: Jaime Charlies

Dentist. The very word evokes memories of noisy drills and aching jaw muscles - and pain.

It\'s hard enough to force yourself to go for just routine maintenance, but for cosmetic dentistry?

Most people do not like to get braces. They can be very painful and are highly uncomfortable, with or without spacers for braces being included. But most people get braces at a young age, because they have to due to their parents. Veneers are more of a \"grown up\" option and it gets a lot of \"grown ups\" to hesitate when faced with the prospect of applying veneers.

Getting veneers is far from a delightful experience. Traditional veneers usually involve the drilling or grinding of sensitive tooth structure, often requiring an anesthetic and painkillers after the procedure. Because the tooth structure is destroyed, veneers are irreversible.

A newer alternative called Lumineers by Cerinate provides a painless way to straighten teeth instantly and whiten teeth permanently. Made from patented Cerinate porcelain from the Den-Mat Corp., Lumineers are thin, yet strong, and can be used over crowns and bridges. The procedure is non-invasive and requires no anesthetic or numbing shots. Another advantage of Lumineers is that your original teeth remain intact.

Dental Products Report, a trade publication, recently awarded Lumineers a spot on its list of \"Top 10 Products.\" So you know that they are something to look out for from now on.

This products sounds incredibly useful, in fact almost perfect. Not everyone will be interested in such a product, for various reasons. Of course there are cons to anything out there, and Lumineers are no different. So do your research before deciding to get Lumineers or any other product and procedure. Remember veneers are cosmetic repairs for your teeth.

If you are having issues with your teeth or gums, you are probably going to need a gum graft procedure to improve your oral health. Do not get confused between cosmetic and practical dentistry! There are plenty of places where one can obtain information on other alternatives. Stay informed, gather as much information you can on any and all dental procedures. Remember, you only get one set of teeth in your adult life! So take care of them.

Do you already have braces? Consider adding some uniqueness to your braces-filled smile, check out my for more information.

Article Courtesy of Free Article Submission